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A Message from Corcoran's CEO Pam Liebman: The Real Estate Industry – Not Just Lip Service...

Writer: Hank OrensteinHank Orenstein


As a former social worker and community organizer I am saddened and angered, yet energized and optimistic that we have entered a transformative period in the history of our city and our nation.

This is a time of opportunity where both individuals, organizations, and businesses can look within and identify ways of making a difference. It all starts with education, the foundation of awareness and knowledge. Whether it is through advocating for legislation and new policies, contributing money to charities and grassroots organizations and/or demonstrating and protesting, everyone can have an impact.

Pam Liebman, The CEO of the real estate company where I have worked since 2015, has spoken out, about making a commitment to change. This is her statement:

“I can no longer be silent. The time to let my voice be heard is now. The murder of George Floyd is an abomination. It’s more unwelcome evidence — as if we needed it — of a specter that’s haunted this country for four hundred years. It’s something that we need to face, something we need to talk about, and something we all need to address.

At Corcoran, our tagline — our mantra — is “live who you are.” We are a global amalgam of colors and creeds and worldviews, proudly united for 47 years in the honorable service of good people who trust us with their dreams. We live with our hearts and love who we choose and vocally defend those prerogatives in every single interaction — with each other, with our clients, and with our neighbors. We stand strong for the dignity and equality of every single American, as we hope others will stand strong for us.

George Floyd did not have that benefit. Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor didn’t, either. Their murders — and the rank hatred that motivated these crimes — are echoing through the lives of millions of men, women, and children. These people are hurting. We are hurting.

I want you to know that Corcoran stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of these communities — in the neighborhoods we serve and in cities and towns across this country. In as much as a real estate brokerage can change the world, I state this categorically: Racism has no home here.

Today, you have my word that we are taking a microscope to this company — who we are, how we work, the ways we face each other, and the ways we meet the public — and we are redoubling our commitment to inclusion and justice. We will do our part, every single one of us. That’s the Corcoran way."


Here's a link to the Schomburg Center Library's Black Liberation reading list of 95 books:

From the Brooklyn Historical Society, some charitable organizations making a difference.




Henry M Orenstein

Licensed Associate RE Broker

Direct: (646)-596-3005

Corcoran Office: Chelsea
220 West 19th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10011
Office: (212) 875-2854

Mobile: (646) 596-3005

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Copyright 2017 Owning New York, Hank Orenstein, Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker, 888 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10106. Email: Phone: (212) 875-2854

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